100% NATURAL FIRELIGHTERS – Made from 100% cotton soaked in natural beeswax. Beeswax is naturally very flammable, so these firelighters burn easily. Suitable for wood burning stoves, open fires, pizza ovens and BBQs, these natural firelighters are made from scraps of organic cotton, waste in our production of eco products, the fabric is dipped in wax without the use of any chemicals
- Perfect for BBQ - Odourless and non-toxic, these sustainable natural fire lighters are an eco-alternative to BBQ fire lighter gel. No Chemical ideal for food
- 9 Minute burn time - Start a fire quickly, will effectively ignite coal or firewood cleanly and quickly indoors and outdoors
- Clean no smell - Simply put 1 firelighter into your fire and watch it burn
- Chemical free and helps us to achieve our goal of zero waste
You'll get as many firelighters that fit in the box (typically around 36)